Seremonia: Rock ‘n’ rollin maailma
I heard the first songs from Seremonia a few months ago and immeadiately fell in love with their music. I knew I had to make a music video for them! Gladly they accepted my proposal and we wrote the script with Ville Pirinen in just a few hours. The shoot took us only about ten hours. The edit one and a half days. So about a two day project in total. We didn’t have much of a budget and used all our own gear. Someone did pay for my pizza though so I guess you can’t say it was a totally zero budget!
Tanja Glad did the lights. We had one 800W redhead, two 650W Cinelight Tungstens and one 300W Cinelight tungsten. Cinelight is a company in Romania that makes cinema lights that look and work exactly like Arri lights but cost half as much. Our first impressions and tests confirm that they really are very good lights.
On the first indoor scenes I wanted to have a pretty flat daylight look so we just bounced an 800W redhead with a daylight gel off the ceiling. The window had a little bit of ND so I managed to pan from the railway to indoors without having to pull iris. Wich would’ve been impossible anyway cause I’m using canon FD lenses so they don’t have a smooth iris ring. Would be a smart idea to get them declicked.
On the rehearsal room scenes I wanted a really harsh direct light that would leave the corners of the room dark. We used the all the three Tungstens in their spot mode and put them as high as we could and just lit everything directly. It works great and those scenes I’m very pleased with. Those scenes were also shot with the SLR Magic 12mm f1.6 lens that I’m still getting accustomed to. A review will follow shortly! The glidecam shots we’re on a Glidecam HD-4000. I really love it so far! I’ve only used it on two shoots but it’s a great tool to be able to run with the camera and get rather steady shots.
Ohjaus: Sami Sänpäkkilä
Kuvaus ja editointi: Sami Sänpäkkilä
Käsikirjoitus: Ville Pirinen ja Sami Sänpäkkilä
Valaisija: Tanja Glad
Tyttö: Ninni Luhtasaari
Isä: Mikko Siltanen
Rokkarit: Ville Pirinen, Noora Federley, Ilkka Vekka, Erno Taipale, Teemu Markkula
Muusikot: Vilunki, Risto
Sävellys: Pirinen, Taipale, Vekka
Sanoitus: Vekka
Sovitus: Seremonia
Video ISRC: FI-4SP-12-00002