

5.10.2024 | Ritual for the Rainbow short film screening at Hobnobben Film Festival, Fort Wayne, USA
4.10. – 30.10. | Exhibition of new artwork at Pispala Clothing, Tampere
20.9. & 22.9.2024 | Ritual for the Rainbow short film screenings at Helsinki International Film Festival
15.9.2024 | Ritual for the Rainbow short film screening at Kino K13, Helsinki



31.8.2024 | Ritual for the Rainbow short film screening at Sensommar Film Festival, Reposaari
23.8.2024 | Ritual for the Rainbow short film screenings at Lytham International Film Festival, UK
15.9.2024 | Ritual for the Rainbow short film screening at Kino K13, Helsinki
25.7.2024 | Ritual for the Rainbow short film screening at Kino Bled, Slovenia
1.7. – 16.8.2024 | Photography exhibition at Päätalokeskus, Taivalkoski
6.3. & 8.3.2024 | Ritual for the Rainbow short film screenings at Tampere Film Festival

27.10. – 10.12.2023 |  Dreamers and Stargazers photography exhibition at Kulturhus Björkboda
20.5.2023 | Artist meeting at Poriginal Gallery, Pori
13.5. – 30.5.2023 | Ritual for the Rainbow photography exhibition at Poriginal Gallery, Pori
26.3.2023  at 14-16 | Ritual for the Rainbow photography exhibition artist meeting at Studio Mältinranta, Tampere
11.3. – 28.3.2023 | Ritual for the Rainbow photography exhibition at Studio Mältinranta, Tampere

20.8. – 8.9.2022 | Dreamers and Stargazers photography exhibition at Galleria Ronga, Tampere
1.9.2022 | Artist meeting from 16.00 to 19.00 at Galleria Ronga, Tampere

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