Death Hawks: Black Acid
Death Hawks: Black Acid music video is my first work shooting on film since 2006. The band wanted something “out of this world” and psychedelic. So this is my interpretation of that request!
Death Hawks: Black Acid music video is my first work shooting on film since 2006. The band wanted something “out of this world” and psychedelic. So this is my interpretation of that request!
As an artist, Sänpäkkilä is someone who transcends conventional boundaries: film, music and visual art each vie for his attention. In fact, these separate areas are integrated in his work to such an extent that he could with equal justification be considered a visual artist, a filmmaker or a musician.
The Suncellar is an installation and is projected on five separate screens that require three rooms. All screens require stereo sound. The extensive work Aurinkokellari (2006) features a prophetic sequence of events. In the film, an eccentric character in control of human life “removes” three people. The impression, akin to death, is frightening in its severity.
Music video for Janne Laurila’s band Office Building from 2003. From the album The Sun Hit the Water. Shot on super 8 film in Pyynikki, Tampere, Finland. Directed, filmed and edited by Sami Sänpäkkilä Assistants: Lari Aaltonen, Laura Laurila Spotify
Super 8 filmille kuvattu tanssi joka on editoitu kukkasiksi. Kädet aloittavat Mozartin tahdissa kunnes toiseen osaan liittyvät jalat ja vihdoin kolmanteen koko vartalo. Mustassa universumissa tanssiva tyttö rikkoo nykytanssin sääntöjä ja luo omansa. Koreografiat on luoto ensin ihmisen keholle ja editointivaiheessa filmille.